Some of us want to buy an expensive item that will be useful for the next so and so amount of years. Much like a car that serves its purpose over the years. You saved an amount but need a few more thousands to buy that limited edition cricket ball signed by your favourite sportsman. Whatever priceless item you’re looking for may be easier to get than you think.
Well, you may be in luck today because we provide services for unwanted car removal in Sydney. This may sound like nothing but it can mean everything to a person who is looking to buy a new precious commodity. If you’ve been saving up for that priceless item that you’ve been meaning to buy then selling your old car should be your next step.
We are often caught up in different ways of earning sizeable amounts of money so we can buy what we want. Maybe it’s time we give and take a little! If you see a car removal near me ad, it’s a sign you need to notice. We won’t just take your car; we’ll pay you for it too.
Scrap car removal in Sydney
At Metal Force Recycling, we offer cash on the same day of your car removal. Our service caters to scrap car removal in Sydney.
Below are the regions we render our services:
- Sydney East, West, North and South
- Sydney CBD
- The Central Coast
- Wollongong
- Newcastle
Except for Sundays, we work Monday to Saturday from morning to evening ready to serve our customers.
Other services at Metal Force Recycling
Apart from our services of unwanted car removal in Sydney, we also manage the following arrangements.
- Car removal for old, scrap and junk vehicles.
- Cash for old, unwanted, scrap and junk cars.
- Cash for metals of items apart from cars such as lead, steel, brass, copper, aluminium, and stainless steel, catalytic converter, ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal.
We also offer cash for items other than cars
After you’ve rendered our service for scrap car removal, be sure to collect metal items that you want to rid away. Over time, you can give these away too.
Here’s a list of metal items we urge you to not throw away until you’ve consulted with us.
- Piping
- Lead bullets
- Lead ballasts
- Auto batteries
- Heavy gauges steel
- Filing cabinets
- Construction material
- Fridge
- Freezer
- Washing machine
- Dishwasher
- Clothes dryer
- Catalytic convertor
- Engines
- Radiators
- Plumbing material
- Musical instruments
- Home décor
- Rod turnings
- Bus bars
- Copper pipes
- Solder joints
- Electric motors
- Power tools
- Welders
- Machine tools
- Blower
- Pumps
- Industrial fans
- Air conditioning units
- Roofing sheets
- Aluminium pots
- Aluminium pans
- Outdoor furniture
- Gearboxes
- Wheel rims
- Cola cans
- Steel cords
- Steel wires
- Cookware
- Cutlery
- Kitchen sinks
- Kitchen taps
Our advice is to collect these items in bulk where you stand a chance of earning a higher amount. If there’s more you need to know about scrap car removal in Sydney, give us a call.
In conclusion, buying a precious item that means the world to you is easy. All you have to do is sell old metal products no longer used by you. You can only guess how much an old car removal would cost. We’ll give you a hint – Up to $9,000.